
Saturday, February 28, 2015

Annual Costs

The total annual cost of a wet scrubber consists of both direct and indirect costs. Direct annual
costs are those associated with the operation and maintenance of the scrubber. These include labor
(operating, supervisory, coordinating, and maintenance), maintenance materials, operating materials, electricity, sludge disposal, waste water treatment, and conditioning agents. Heating and cooling may
be required in some climates to prevent freezing or excessive vaporation loss of the scrubbing liquid.

Indirect annual costs include taxes, insurance, administrative costs, overhead, and capital
recovery. All of these costs except overhead are dependent on the TCI. Table 1 lists the
parameters that impact wet scrubber annual costs with typical values provided for each parameter.
Table 2 provides the annual cost factors for scrubbers. Annual costs for scrubbers are difficult to
generalize because these costs are very site-specific.

Table 1.Annual Cost Parameters for Particulate Scrubbers

Table 2. Annual Cost Factors for Particulate Scrubbers


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