
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Example Case

This problem will show you how to calculate the total capital cost of a baghouse using the
figures and tables in this lesson.
A facility is proposing to build a reverse-air baghouse that will operate with a net airto-
cloth ratio of 2.5:1 (ft3/min)/ft2 and an exhaust gas flow rate of 110,000 acfm.
Eight-inch diameter fiberglass bags with Teflon backing and rings are proposed. The
structure requires stainless steel add-on and insulation. Auxiliary equipment is estimated
to cost $10,000. Calculate the total capital cost of the baghouse.
1. Calculate the total net cloth area using a variation of equation

2. Calculate the total gross cloth area. find the factor needed to
     convert the total net cloth area to the total gross cloth area. For a net cloth area of
     44,000 ft2, the factor is 1.125.

3. Calculate the structure cost of the baghouse. Knowing that the total cloth area
     is 49,500 ft2:
4. Calculate the total bag cost (CB). the cost of fiberglass bags for a reverse-air baghouse with rings        is $0.99/ft2.

5. Calculate the total capital cost of the baghouse. Based on the above information, the equipment           cost (EC) can be calculated to be $749,000. See Table 1.

        1. Purchased equipment costs (PEC)
        2. Installation direct costs
        3. Indirect costs
        4. Total capital cost (TCC)
   A summary of these costs is provided in Table 1.

Table 1. Example case capital costs1


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