
Thursday, April 6, 2017

5 Emission Control Technologies

EPA Base Case v.4.10 includes a major update of emission control technology assumptions. For this base case EPA contracted with engineering firm Sargent and  Lundy to perform a complete bottom-up engineering reassessment of the cost and performance assumptions for sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOX) emission controls. In addition to the work by Sargent and Lundy, Base Case v.4.10 includes two Activated Carbon Injections (ACI) options (Standard and Modified) for mercury (Hg) control. Capture and storage options for carbon dioxide (CO2) have also been added in the new base case. These emission control options are listed in Table 1. They are available in EPA Base Case v.4.10 for meeting existing and potential federal, regional, and state emission limits. It is important to note that, besides the emission control options shown in Table 5-1 and described in this chapter, EPA Base Case v.4.10 offers other compliance options for meeting emission limits. These include fuel switching, adjustments in the dispatching of electric generating units, and the option to retire a unit.

Table 1. Summary of Emission Control Technology Retrofit Options in EPA Base Case v.4.10


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